Cotton Tree launches Conversations Project

In response to the nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the UK, the Cotton Tree has launched a new befriending service.

No part of society remains unaffected by the outbreak of coronavirus. Our members – many of whom are seeking asylum and are destitute – have seen their support networks diminish. Most of our members rely on charities to meet their basic needs, provide essential legal advice and their sense of wellbeing and community. But as many charities close their doors, this support has almost disappeared.

Our Conversations Project aims to alleviate some of the hardships of lockdown. By keeping in close contact, we try to help members through this difficult time.

So how does it work? 

Each Cotton Tree member is paired with a caseworker who attempts to:

  • Relieve isolation and depression

  • Identify and meet basic needs

  • Reduce boredom and help members to look ahead to life after lockdown – whether it is a new hobby, studying English or preparing for further education.

The key question for the Conversations Project is ‘How are you?’ – and that goes two ways! So every week, we will be in touch to check in and offer a familiar voice.

Zoom get-togethers

On top of this project, Cotton Tree is carrying on its heal & grow workshops via Zoom. We invite members to join us every week - to chat, share problems and solutions, listen to music, look at paintings, talk about feelings, recipes or anything else.  We check whether our members are technically able to join these meetings and help them if they cannot.

Find out more


Cotton Tree friend wins art prize


Cotton Tree delves into the art of painting.