The Heal & Grow Branch

The asylum process is usually long and devastating. Delays can be endless and honest testimonies disbelieved. Expectations of people with traumatic histories—that they should lucidly recall, on cue, everything that has happened to them—are often wildly unrealistic. When all goes well and leave to remain is granted, settling in the UK as a refugee can also be a difficult challenge.

All this can be unbearable if one is lonely and isolated. Our aim in the Heal & Grow branch is to help members to develop resilience through community. We meet informally at social gatherings, and regularly in workshops. Members, staff and volunteers share ‘relaxed time’ for talking, listening, creativity.

What do we do?

  • Community Support

    We welcome members into a community to relieve loneliness and isolation.

  • Health

    We support physical and mental health needs of our members.

  • Activities

    We share enjoyable activities, like cooking, eating, visiting Kew Gardens.